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Thursday, 13 February 2014

Winner Winner Skyreaver Dinner

I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with the phrase 'winner winner chicken dinner'. I don't even know where it comes from but a quick google and browse of Urban Dictionary reveals it relates to gambling in Vegas. Having never been to Vegas I'm not sure how it's become a phrase I use regularly but that's neither here-nor-there.

The point is that I won a competition!

The Godmother over at Alternative Chat hosted a competition to celebrate 5 years blogging. Entry was simple enough - leave a comment. She had also posted a brilliant video that I'd never seen before so, if memory serves, I commented a gratz and thanks for sharing the video.

Then Monday morning I found out that I had won an Iron Skyreaver! How spiffingly, fantabulously awesome!! A definate highlight since I posted some ramblings at the beginning of the month.

So yeah a massive thanks to the Godmummy for the mount but more importantly for being such a brilliant member of the WoW blogging, twitter and podcast community (Azeroth in 5 & Alternative Chat). If you don't follow her on one or indeed all of these media then I suggest that you do. One thing I love about her style is that she's not afraid to ask those awkward questions and has such a brilliant all-round understanding of the game which results in some pretty in-depth subject matter. She also has a voice made for radio (or rather podcasting!).

Bravo Mistress of Faffing!


  1. Grats on your ever so slightly scary looking mount. Wonder what would happen if the heads were to start fighting whilst you were flying? :p

    1. Thanks! It's a pretty bad-ass looking mount - I feel scary just sitting on it in the Shrine :) The heads do kinda erm I guess growl at each other a little.

  2. Grats on winning that intimidating mount! Scary!

    1. Thanks! It makes me feel like THE boss :)

  3. Grats :D The heads look funny when you run :P

    1. Thanks - I havent actually looked at the heads when it runs, I'm normally too busy laughing at the weird jumpy-run.

  4. Congratz on your win and shin...errr...scary new mount!!!

    The only thing I know "winner, winner chicken dinner" comes from is Guy Fieri and his show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. He says it a lot.

    1. Thanks :) Ah that could explain it! My friend watches a lot of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives so I reckon I've heard it there.
