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Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Blog Azeroth: Mountable Mounts

I'm delighted that Dragonray of Azerothian Life has asked not one weeks worth but five weeks worth of Blog Azeroth Shared Topics! Also, Dragonray is hosting a transmog competition Mog the World in 80 Days so go check that out if you havent already.

This weeks Dragonray asks:
One of the things I have noticed since my return is the huge amount of mounts available now through rep gains. I am still working on a couple, but it has made me wonder which mounts you guys are loving or hating :)

So what are your top 5 mounts - or just the ones you go to all the time because you like the way they ride? What are the ones you really dislike and can never bring yourself to use - does it rub against your collecting nature (if you have one) to buy all the mounts even though you know you will never use them?                               Source
In total I own 105 mounts and there are a lot I still don't have - mostly those from rep grinds. Some notable examples (that I'm working on getting) include the Disc of the Red Flying Cloud and Talbuks from the Kurenai.

From reading others posts it seems I'm fairly normal in having favourites on different character so for my top 5 I've picked three that are character favourites and two that I just love.

This is currently my hunters favourite mount. I quite simply love it and since I paid a fair bit of money for it I'm determined to get my moneys worth! Plus I think the Fey Dragon wins cutest in-game mount fairly easily.

The Sparkle Pony is definately my mage's favourite mount. Again, having purchased this mount from the store I like to get my moneys worth.

Ever since my engineer crafted the Sky Golem she's been terrorising the wildlife of Pandaria flying about in it mining!


I'm sure I've spoken about my love for this mount many times in the past and how lucky I was to get it as a dungeon drop. It's the only 'drake of the ... wind' that I own but some day I'd love to own them all.

I think that this drake is insanely pretty. The colours are just so perfect on it!

It seems from my list that I'm quite the fan of drakes! It's no surprise, to me atleast, that my top 5 are all flying mounts as I think they [generally] offer the most dynamic range of styles. But... when we consider I've mostly picked drakes I think I'm just a dragon fan.

And it felt really wrong not to mention my favourite 2 person mount - the Sandstone Drake

There aren't many mounts that I'd rather not be seen in (virtual) public on but one such mount is the Reins of the Golden King. I just don't like it which is a real shame as the Horde get Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator - good job I've got my Reins of the Amber Scorpion to make up for it.



  1. I was really envious of the alliance guild mount so I created/levelled our alli guild just so I could buy it.

    1. One day I hope to get the Horde scorpion but it's not as big a deal now I have the amber one. I guess for Horde players there's no alternative lion mount :(

  2. Must admit I have mixed feelings about the Lion too. It's a bit too Aslan like for me.

    1. I'd never thought of it being Aslan like but I can totally see what you mean. I'm not a fan of the newer lion models in-game to be honest - I appreciate theyre no longer a mass of spikey polygons but their manes are just a bit erm... weird.

  3. All your list of mounts are awesome! I love the celestial steed and the drakes... I wish i can play the game again... im just really having trouble with my pc using windows 8 doesnt allow me to even download... anyway, great collectible mounts you got here, very nice. wish I have the enchanted dragon.. =(

    1. Aww no that really sucks!!! The enchanted dragon is lush! As is the new chimaera mount that came out this week - but I've told myself I can'y buy that just yet having bought the fey dragon not longa go.
