Following this weeks Friday-Fun-Run.
It's been nearly two weeks since I last posted and for the past few months I've been pretty crappy at posting regularly. Work has really picked up so I've been rather busy, away at a meetings etc.
Despite not being overly present within the blogging-world I have been keeping up to date with the latest WoW news and reading other peoples blogs. I've just been having to prioritise my time and the little in-game time I've had hasn't inspired much news for the blogging world to read!
But... I now have two weeks off and don't return to work until the 6th January 2014. Yayyy!! Tomorrow I am heading back to my parents for a week-ish of festivities and the internet there is pretty poor (compared to my lovely fibre optic) so I can't promise I'll be on much more than I have been these past few weeks. Having said that I will be spending the second week at my own home where the internets much better and I can get my geek on with lots of gaming.
Anyhow, I'd like to wish you all a very happy
Feast of Winter Veil and hope you manage to get the new pet (
Rotten Little Helper) etc. etc.