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Monday 14 January 2013

Busy day at the 'Office'

As I'm sure a lot of you are aware WoW Insider recently posted asking What are your favourite WoW blogs? Let's see them all! I decided to think about my answer at work today and that I would post when I got back this evening. When I got home I quickly logged into blogger to find that my blog had had 150+ viewers today and couting! To say the least I was shocked.

Initially I attributed this massive influx to me having signed up to twitter yesterday. But I was soon in for an even better surprise. My blog had been mentioned on the WoW Insider post, so thank you soooo much Kaitz.

If you haven't already commented and added a few other blogs to the discussion then please pop over there and share them now!


  1. I cannot for the life of me get Livefyre to publish my post there for more than, say, five seconds before it disappears, which is a lil annoying because I've a pretty big blog roll to promote. The thread as a whole is awesome, though. So many more things to read! And I got the same sort of traffic hike from Kaitz's recommendation. :D

    1. Owhh no, that sucks. It really is an awesome thread, I've found some new blogs to follow etc. It's amazing how one mention gets so many views :)

  2. The post is fantastic for showcasing people who have active blogs, so loving it! :D

    1. It really is. I've found some new blogs to read etc. & thanks to you people have discovered me!

  3. Grats on being on WoWInsider! I liked seeing lots of blogs there of people I read - I've decided that the general population must all have good taste in blogs since all the ones I would recommend are already there :)

    1. Thanks. A lot of the blogs I read were already on there (including you) so I decided to share the love & not repeat blogs but suggest some others. I did manage to find some new ones to read aswell :)
