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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Transmog: Mortal Kombats Jade

Cast your mind back a week or so and I posted my first transmog related post. In this blog I showed off two transmogs for my hunter and on for my mage. The latter being my entry for The Amazing Transmog Survivor Contest! You can see everyone's entries here and find out who made it through to the second round and who didn't here. To cut a long story short I didn't make it through to the second round. I was a little disappointed but hey-ho.

I've decided to continue to play along though since I really enjoyed it. For the second round the theme is Mortal Kombat, as in the old game. The deadline for entries is today so soon enough we'll get to see the competitor's ideas. In the mean time here is my take on the Mortal Kombat theme...

I have vague memories of playing Mortal Kombat on PlayStation and of a woman dressed in green. With a little internet searching I uncovered Jade (below).

My inspiration - Jade.
Initially I started looking at plate gear knowing there is a Jade Plate transmog set but found it to be a little too blue.

Jade Plate Set.
In the end I decided to got for a leather mog and below is more version of a slightly more modest Jade. I picked all of the items seperately as I thought they matched well and later found 5 of them are part of the Gypsy Garb transmog set.

Head - Feathered Headdress, Shoulders - Highland Shoulderguards, Chest - Nomad Tunic, Hands - Ravager Hide Gloves, Waist - Haal'eshi Cord, Legs - Nomad Trousers, Feet - Vindicator's Leather Moccasins, Polearm - Patient Harpoon.

Here you can see the entries & find out who made it through to Round 3!


  1. I like it! I might've swung a slightly more plain staff myself, but otherwise very nice.

    I'm glad you continued to play along. :)

    1. It was between the staff I used and a plain silver/white one. I'm really enjoying the competition :) having a set theme/idea really helps inspire me to do transmog

  2. I'm quite fond of that leather set, myself. Great choice! :)

    1. Thanks. Yeah it's not a bad set. Nice & simple :)
