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Sunday, 18 November 2012

IntPiPoMo 2012 #1: Northrend

As mentioned in my post earlier today, I have decided to take part in IntPiPoMo 2012. In brief this event involves taking 50 screenshots throughout November and was set up by Angelya of Revive & Rejuvenate.

I'm a little late starting as were already half way through the month but my aim is to take 5 screenshots a day from now on. I have also decided that each set of 5 pictures will follow some sort of theme - whether it be a particular continent, event, or even just one specific location.

Also, as previously mentioned, I will be attempting to use WyriMaps to enable you to see roughly where the screenshot was taken from etc.

So here goes...

The first time I went to the continent of Northrend I started off in the Borean Tundra and was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the quests and the zone in general but I found it very empty and open. The second time around I started off in the Howling Fjord and leveled up through the Grizzly Hills and Zul'Drak. Comparatively I found these zones to be fuller and loved the woodland zones and their contrast with the snowier parts. Below, are 5 screenshots from HF, GH and Z'D showing particular parts that I love about these zones.

Looking across the ancient lift towards Kamagua.

Rapids near Amberpine Lodge.

Granite Springs.

Looking at the Drak'Sotra Fields where the Water Waveling can be found.
IntPiPoMo Screenshots: 5/50


  1. Glad to have you joining in with IntPiPoMo! Lovely shots of Northrend too - it really is a very picturesque place! I'll add you to the list :)

    1. Hi. Thanks for adding me to the list, I tried to leave a comment on your blog earlier but apparently my browser isn't supported :(

  2. Hey love the screenshots, those rapids are one of my favorite places in Northerend. Also love that you use WyriMaps for geotagging. Looking at the tag link I might be able to help you getting your own screenshot set on WyriMaps.net. Can your please contact me on webmaster@wyrimaps.net if you would like that so we can go over some details?
